Building a Comprehensive and Coordinated Crisis System

Building a Comprehensive and Coordinated Crisis System

Across the nation, communities are grappling with how to respond to crisis calls, particularly ones involving people with behavioral health needs. As they work to build and expand their crisis systems, communities are also looking to expand beyond typical police responses to include mental health professionals and other community responders. This brief highlights the continuum of responses that make up a comprehensive, coordinated crisis system and offers guidance for building a system that addresses local needs.

Hadley Fitzgerald and Risë Haneberg | April 2021 | The Council of State Governments Justice Center

Project Credits

Writing: Hadley Fitzgerald and Risë Haneberg, CSG Justice Center

Research: Hadley Fitzgerald, CSG Justice Center

Advising: Risë Haneberg and Demetrius Thomas, CSG Justice Center

Editing: Darby Baham, Emily Morgan, CSG Justice Center

Design: Michael Bierman

Public Affairs: Ruvi Lopez, CSG Justice Center


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Senior Policy Analyst, Behavioral Health
Hadley Fitzgerald provides technical assistance to Justice and Mental Health Collaboration Program grantees and supports policy projects to enhance cross-system collaborations for criminal justice and behavioral health agencies. Prior to joining the CSG Justice Center, Hadley worked at the New
York City Department of Health and Mental Hygiene (DOHMH) as a coordinator for a regional consortium of Medicaid plans, providers, and Health Homes. Previously, Hadley worked as a forensic social worker for the DOHMH and NYPD Co-Response Team and the Brooklyn Defender Services. She received an MSW from the Hunter School of Social Work and a BA from New York University.
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    Former Deputy Division Director, Behavioral Health
    Risë Haneberg served as deputy division director within the Behavioral Health Division at The Council of State Governments Justice Center. In this role, Risë led the Stepping Up Initiative, the national effort to reduce the number of people with mental
    illnesses in the justice system with partners National Association of Counties and the American Psychiatric Foundation. Additionally, Risë provided oversight to county systems improvement projects and technical assistance to Justice and Mental Health Collaboration Program grantee sites. Before joining the CSG Justice Center, Risë served as the criminal justice coordinator for Johnson County, Kansas, from 2008 to 2014. Risë previously served as the chief court service officer in Johnson County and began her career in criminal justice as a juvenile probation officer in 1979. Risë holds a BS in criminal justice from Wichita State University and an MA in public administration from the University of Kansas.
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